“The Hunger Games” Trilogy by Suzanne Collins

I’ve been putting off writing this entry because I needed time to sort out my emotions and thoughts after finishing “The Hunger Games” trilogy. The first movie was released last month and that is what got me hooked. Based on all the rave reviews and the similarities with a Japanese movie titled “Battle Royale”, it […]

“The Woman in White” by Wilkie Collins

This is the 51st book I have finished reading from the BBC list. “The Woman in White” is a detective novel written as a series of letters, diary entries and eye witness accounts from various people. The narrator explained that the story is told in this way because the court evidence was presented in this […]

50 out of 100 BBC List

I have finally hit the halfway point on my BBC List of Books; adding “Heart of Darkness”, “Dracula”, “The Wind in the Willows”, and “Anne of Green Gables” to my completed list. Here are short reviews of them: “Heart of Darkness” by Joseph Conrad depicts the evils of colonialism in a very accurate light. It is […]

“The Five People You Meet in Heaven” by Mitch Albom

I finished “The Five People You Meet in Heaven” today (#46 completed on my BBC list) and it is very touching. Amazing and short! An old man dies saving a little girl from an accident and he goes to heaven and meets 5 people who have somehow impacted his life. Through these 5 people he gains […]